Saturday, February 2, 2008

well dnc is saying my thesis is over..........
i am not at all satisfied i havenot done a gr8 deal of work i think
many approximations and may be some stupid mistakes..............
but i dont know "my thesis is over"........
may be he dont want to meet me so often..............but that maynot be the only reason for saying my thesis is over.........
capacitance approximation is really a tricky task i should talk abt it to him on monday...................
sush is very happy.may be he is thinking an ieee paper for his name in digital.................
but i dont think mine is that good.....
any way submitted a rough draft of paper yesterday may be he review it 2,3 times.............
last wednesdays presentation is very bad i thought she is very good speaker but she stood there dumb..............
i was schoked and even i didnt done wednesday it should not be like that have to read some papers and should prepare well.........
may be have to write the first internal.........
lab assignment for btechs have to be prepared
its sushs job but but ..................its ok anyway
amma health is not good i may go home for holi.
she is "the best"she takes care of everything despite her illness.
have to do something to get a good job better one.every tom,dick,harry is getting one whynot me??
of course all toms,dicks,harrys have there uncles,aunts working in good companies.........
any way have to do some serious attempts.
and dnc is reffered my name for a student in pune to ask abt adiabatic families.............
well thats good he remembered my topic and my name thank god......................
ok enough for now..................

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