Sunday, August 7, 2011

Trip to Mars

Wat if some one says "if you spend alone on Mars for a year you will get 6 lakhs" what would b your answer?
you will b with the following:
May b two or three friends who wil say hello, hi, bye every weekend.
A laptop to chat, download some stupid stuff to kill your time.
Work in office during weekdays where you wil feel like and you know you are doing nonsense.
what would b your answer?
I would have said i will go may b a year ago but not any more.
Being alone is the wrost thing you can get, atleast feeling that you are alone. you have people who are around you, every one is busy in their own life they dont have time to speak with you, spending more time with the laptops.
Is it because im bad at making friends? i m not bad at it. atleast i feel i m not.But the friends you will get in school/college are the ones you will feel the real friends. you will maintain that relationship for the whole life (i would like to atleast). but once you grow up join office only very few of ur colleagues can b ur friends not all of will b spending much of ur time in office atleast 9.5 hrs a day (rule no : 6.5), you will have all the colleagues sitting beside you, but u wont feel like sharing wat u would share with school/college friends with these guys (with a few exceptions), isnt it necessary to have good friends in office with whom you can spend time even after leaving the office. may b thats wat im missing here no one in Mars wants to spend time with me, may b its the other way i dont want to spend time with them.
People are two types 'of my type', 'not of my type' here most of them are the second type,may b thats the reason for feeling alone not because im on Mars, so if first type of people are more on Mars probably this also would have been as good as Earth.

Two more months to go back to Earth (53 days precicely). no more trips to Mars please (atleast no trips alone any more).

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