Thursday, September 5, 2013

Irctc saga

In what turned out to be a bizarre incident  Kartik, a software engineer working in a company called Reluctant Engineering Technologies in Electronic city Bangalore was hospitalized as he was complaining about chest pain. When our reporter went to the Reluctant Engineering technologies to report the BREAKING NEWS, HR of the company was reluctant to speak about the incident and went on to say the company name itself is reluctant technologies and we will be reluctant to do everything leave alone giving interviews to your news channel.

But our reporter who cannot live without bringing at least one breaking news an hour, was behind the doctor who is treating kartik and could find out the reason for his sudden chest pain. The doctor went on to reveal the secret of engineers sudden chest pain, "The symptoms show that the engineer got a sudden shock, which usually happens when you hear any happy news suddenly", the doctor went on to say "The engineers who are living/working in and around the electronic city usually not so used to the emotion of being happy and any trace of happiness makes them vulnerable to these kind of issues."

Our reporter next went on to find the reason for the sudden happiness of the engineer and enquired his colleagues if the company has announced any recent salary hike or any other things, listening to the term salary hike his colleagues started looking for the meaning of the word in Google, from this our reporter concluded that there is no question that they would have got one, and the same thing happened when the reporter asked about holidays, outings, perks, weekends and other related things. This made sure that they are not aware of any of these things and our reporter became curious after this to know the exact reason for the happiness of the  software engineer.

He figured out details after talking to another software engineer who had the I AM ANNA cap, which has become a fashion statement among software engineers after the anna movement, who share the cubical with Kartik, one Raju. Initially reluctant to share the information raju went on to tell the story after he was offered a couple of gift coupons of flipkart, "Today morning the day started like any other day, we both came late to office at 10am and we had a meeting at 9:30am which we missed and our manager became furious about this, and we are not bothered about that as it happens at least once everyday if not twice (both meetings and scolding). we went to our desk and opened facebook, gmail and started chatting this is when the things started becoming worse, kartik suddenly remembered that he was not downloaded and he has parents living in Hyderabad this he came to know this when he was looking at his old pictures in facebook which he has uploaded before he joined Reluctant technologies and in which he tagged his father, mother and siblings and then he started to feel that he will go to Hyderabad to meet them as they may soon forget his existence the way he has almost forgotten them. He got back his memory after looking at those pictures and suddenly opened the IRCTC website to book a ticket to Hyderabad for the coming weekend. After multiple attempts the site got opened and he started feeling happy, the feeling which he didn't experienced in the past 5 years of experience as a software engineer. He filled the details in IRCTC and could see that there are tickets available for a journey from Bangalore to Hyderabad on the coming weekend, he started telling me he could see the tickets available from Bangalore to Hyderabad coming weekend saying these words he suddenly collapsed on ground with his hand on his chest the ambulance was called immediately and he was bought to the hospital." explained Raju.

Our reporter explained the situation to HR head of Reluctant technologies Ms. Remya Krishanamurthi  and asked for her reaction she started saying about the company growth, head count, onsite/offshore employee count and all other details she has. Knowing the details Digvijay singh of congress tweeted "I sense RSS hand behind this conspiracy", and Ravi shankar prasad of BJP is quick to respond saying they demand a CBI enquiry to bring out the truth and the men behind this he also added they will stall the parliament proceedings till the government orders for a CBI enquiry.

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